
GlobeGo acts as a personal tour guide by using GPS to track your location and providing interesting facts and stories about nearby historical sites and monuments. The app seeks to relieve the anxieties of missing out on valuable information when visiting a historical site.
Target user
Those who want to explore and learn independently!
Project type
General UX Design
Project year

Brief Description

GlobeGo offers flexibility, as you can explore at your own pace, you will have access to information anytime without being tied to a scheduled tour and you can choose what interests you. The app will provide instant updates about nearby sites, making it easier to discover historical information as you go. This app will be directed towards tourists and travellers however, it can be used anywhere therefore it can be used by anyone.

Problem Statement

Terry and Emma are travelling to Rome, Terry suffers from social anxiety and Emma likes to explore and take in the new experiences at her own pace. Tour guides are not appealing to either of them however they do not want to miss out on vital information if they don’t use one. They are struggling to decide what they should do.

GlobeGo targets users like Terry and Emma and provides them with the access to this vital information without having to take part in a tour guide. This app acts as a virtual tour guide that leaves the user feeling satisfied and no worries that they have missed an important piece of history.

Brand Development

I started with creating a mind map exploring different subjects user may need help with such as transport, health, education and politics. This led to expanding to different, more specific ideas. I then tried to make some random connections that could generate some new ideas. This mind map led me to the idea of travelling and history and GPS.

This led me to realise that in past experience I have struggled with feeling anxious about missing important pieces of historical facts due to not wanting to pay for an overpriced tour guide. I thought this would be a great idea for an app. I completed an empathy map which was extremely easy to do, due to it being based on my own thoughts, feelings and actions. Then I completed a user story to understand the users need more. Which then led me to completing a few sketches of the app. I wanted to keep it simplistic with it being such a small screen. Which is why when I was choosing the colour I went with 2 primary colours that had a good contrast.


One of the problems I had was the size of the screen, obviously a smartwatch screen is very small and as my apps aim is to provide information I found it difficult to include the text i wanted without it looking crowded. Especially after the critique when I was told I needed to increase the size of my next to fit the guidelines. I eventually used ChatGBT to shorten my text therefore it would fit within the screen.

I also struggled with the time constraint we had with this project, due to us only having one week to complete it I found it quite difficult to include everything I wanted and complete enough research. I thought I did well with the small amount of time we had, however I wish we had a bit more time to spend on this.


I was really impressed with how the app turned out. I was feeling proud of myself that I had a completed a project in one week. I was also happy with my idea and aim as this would be something I believe I would use. I didn't want to complete an app that was suppose to help users in aspects like safety, if this was a real situation I wouldn't have enough time to complete enough user research so I chose an app Idea that wasn't too serious.

I think this project taught me to manage my time well as we only had a week to complete and show our work. I prioritised my time well and focused on the more important parts of this task such as user research and development instead of small details like button styles or prototyping.

If I had more time I would have liked to expand this app idea, for example, looking into Augmented Reality, Education like quizzes, challenges like a scavenger hunt etc. Overall, I am happy with this project.